March Musings
How are we already a quarter of the way through the year?!?
At the end of 2023 when we decided to pause our big renovation at #calekstreetingbungalow, I wanted to jump right into smaller projects around my house. After the holidays were over and the realities of life settled in, I realized even ‘small projects’ would take some time. I often need to remind myself that even though the projects we are currently considering are smaller than a whole house renovation, they still require a significant time and financial investment.
Of all the potential projects on my list, there are two that have been on my mind a lot lately. The first is to update as many building systems as are feasible right now. Earlier in March we met with a few subcontractors looking at plumbing, electrical and HVAC. We’re not planning on doing all of that at once, but we are currently trying to figure out which is the biggest priority and best use of money.
The second, and more fun project I’ve been working on for #calekstreetingbungalow is updating our living room furniture. Purchasing a whole room of furniture at once is a big investment, so I’ve been slowly going through my options to make sure I’m happy with the vibe and function. Since I’ve been slowly shopping and looking at a lot of options, I’ve been sharing some cool finds on my blog. Check out these couches, area rugs and table lamps.
One room that hasn’t even been on my radar is my office. Then one day a couple weeks ago, I was organizing my too small old dining room table that has been my work from home desk for four years and I immediately decided I needed new furniture . With very little research I impulsively purchased a new desk and chair, and am so happy I did! Funny how updating the furniture in some rooms requires months of shopping and others are instantly made better with a couple of impulse buys.
While I've been busy figuring out projects around my house, I’ve also been working on a client kitchen renovation in a super cute mid-century modern home. We’re hoping to get construction underway in the coming months and I can’t wait to share more of the progress on that - #calekclientmidmodkitchen.
If you are considering a renovation of your home in the Chicago-land area please reach out!
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